DEI Commitment

Diversity, equity, and inclusion
at Hireguide

Hireguide is driven by a shared sense of purpose to enhance human connection and reduce systemic inequalities in employment by making bias-free and evidence-based interviews accessible to everyone. Building an organization that embodies a diverse group of individuals and fosters a culture of equity and inclusiveness is integral to our purpose and our success.

At Hireguide...

Diversity is the variation of individual differences and similarities found in the world among our team.

It is a characteristic of our group, not an individual. We are committed to celebrating our differences and acknowledging related tensions as we strive to develop more inclusive, reflective, and high performing environments.

Equity is the principle of how we treat each other.

We are committed to fair treatment, access, and advancement for all people, while at the same time striving to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented the full participation of certain groups in the past.

Inclusion is why we stay.

It is about making people feel welcomed and valued. We are committed to creating a culture and environment where people are comfortable and confident in expressing their authentic selves.

Our Commitment

Hireguide’s philosophy is that DE&I is not a static end goal we are trying to achieve, rather it is a collection of ideas that are translated through an executable strategy centered around bringing diversity, equity, and inclusion to life in our organization.

Action is our commitment.

We hold ourselves accountable to actioning our ideas through initiatives that reflect the three pillars of our DE&I strategy: recruitment, retention, and thought leadership. We approach our initiatives with an open mindset where ongoing conversation and feedback allows us to iterate and constantly improve as we work together to create the future we envision for our company and the world.

As we execute our initiatives and iterate our strategy, we also commit to publishing our learnings and summary data annually. We will translate our own learnings into new initiatives and publicly share the evolution and progress of Hireguide’s DE&I journey.