Interview Templates

Interview like an expert

Use one of Hireguide’s expert-submitted templates covering every role and interview stage, from phone screens to closing candidates.

How Hireguide's expert interview templates help you hire

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Learn from experts

From phone screens to closing candidates, we have templates written by industry leaders and experts.

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Save hours on preparation

Save hours with 1,000+ IO-psych validated questions and dozens of templates.

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Better questions for better hires

Skills-based interview questions help you screen candidates more effectively, resulting in better hires.

Rajesh Uttamchandani

Rajesh Uttamchandani
Chief People Officer

“Hireguide has saved my team hours on interview prep. Every interviewer goes in prepared — making their jobs easier while making sure we’re screening productively.”

We've done the interview prep for you

Hireguide's interview templates are skills-based interview guides designed by subject-matter experts.
Each guide contains role-specific questions and scoring guides that help you assess candidates on skills required to excel in their role.

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Content created by professionals, backed by science

Here at Hireguide, we’ve built a database of the best interview questions to help you hire your best candidates. Claiming we have the best questions might seem like a bold statement, but as you learn about how we built this database, you’ll see we have the evidence to back it up.