Hiring Guide
Product Manager
Specific duties of a Product Manager can vary from business to business — along with factors like company culture, work environment, and team dynamics — it’s vital to tailor any job description and interview content to your company’s needs and expectations.

Hiring Guide: Product Manager
Product Manager interview templates
Featuring content from professionals at companies like:

Why you should hire a Product Manager
Product Owners help companies achieve success by overseeing the development and improvement of a company's products. The lead cross-functional teams (design, product, developers) to implement solutions and are also responsible for aligning the product's vision to the company's strategic vision to ensure long-term success.
In this hiring guide, we'll provide everything you need to hire a great Product Manager.
Top skills for Product Managers
Business Acumen and Market Knowledge
Managing Product Development
Cross-functional Collaboration
Customer-driven Thinking and Problem Solving
Sample Product Manager job description
Product Managers are generally responsible for developing a product roadmap and executing a product’s strategy. Doing so requires both intense collaboration with design and engineering teams and working closely with senior leaders to continuously improve the product in ways that help achieve the primary goals of the business. Product Managers also represent the voice of the customer and ensure that the customer is at the centre of plans, designs, and development by leveraging customer insights. At a more senior level, Product Managers also provide product and process expertise to manage projects across different work functions and to align project objectives with strategic business goals to achieve success.
Sample interview questions for Product Managers
Question 1
Tell me about a time you or your team had to make a tough prioritization decision when working on a product roadmap. What did you end up prioritizing, and why?

What does this question reveal?
Candidate has the ability to analyze competing items in order to make well-informed decisions
Answer tips
- Describes the competing priorities and how they relate to business objectives
- Shows they can use logical frameworks to analyze options (impact, cost, urgency etc.)
- Discusses how to compare user needs versus business needs
- Considers how their roadmap relates to roadmaps of partners/other teams
- Shares any learnings or key take-aways from their experience
Question 2
Imagine you are unable to incorporate a product feature that was suggested by senior leadership because it would impede the user experience. How would you communicate this to gain support for your position?

What does this question reveal?
Candidate has the ability to achieve stakeholder alignment by justifying their decisions in a tactful way
Answer tips
- Emphasizes the importance of prioritizing user needs in driving product decisions with key stakeholders
- Shares evidence for how the feature would impede the user experience
- Suggests alternative features or approaches that achieve similar goals but do not impede users
- Solicits new ideas or feedback from others on alternative approaches
- Focuses on finding a creative/alternative solution versus just communicating the outcome