Skill-based Interview Guides

Great questions.
Great interviews.

Customize question-and-answer guides for any role and share them with your hiring team.

Screen candidates effectively with skills-based interview questions

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Impress candidates

Stand out with thoughtful questions and a fair, unforgettable candidate experience.

Clock, Stopwatch Icon

Save hours on interview preparation

Use our interview outline builder as a foundation for your interview questions. Customize your outline as needed.

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Better hires from less biased interviews

Reduce bias with skills-based questions to ensure that every hire is based on potential.

Papa Akuffo Portrait

Papa Akuffo
Design Leader

“No more hours spent hacking together interviews by Googling questions. These are high quality conversation guides with thoughtful answers to reveal A+ designers.”

Know what to ask and what to look for in a great answer

Empower stakeholders and hiring teams with interviews that screen for the skills you need.

01 Enter a role

Select a job title or job description

Hireguide supports guides for 72,000+ job titles. Tell us who you're hiring for and we’ll show you the most relevant interview questions.

UI snippet showing the suggested dropdown when searching for a position to hire
UI snippet showing the skill selection screen

02 Select skills

Choose the skills that matter

Select the skills that are most important to you for a candidate in this role. We'll provide questions that effectively assess them.

03 Select questions

Edit and customize with the help of AI

Craft high-signal questions with AI support, trained with IO-psych principles and a vast database of interview questions.

Get a preview of our interview question bank.

Interview Outline UI snippetUI snippet of the questions library on the Hireguide App

Answer guides go beyond just questions

Know what great looks like.

UI snippet outlining the question bank: skill focused, written by professionals, easily editable, and a section for more tips

Questions written with professionals and backed by science.

UI example of a question written by a professional

Explore tips to help probe deeper

UI snippets of the Tips section that point out relevant aspects of the questions

All questions are focused on a skill

UI snippet showing that all questions are focused on specific skills

Easily edit, swap and rearrange questions

UI snippet of the tools that help you edit, swap, delete and rearrange questions

Templates by experts from top companies

Hiring for a role you don't do yourself?

No sweat. Use one of Hireguide’s expert-submitted templates covering every role and interview stage, from phone screens to closing candidates.

Showcase of a snippet of the Workspace Template on the Hireguide AppShowcase of a snippet of the Workspace Template on the Hireguide App