Graphic/Visual Designer Skills Interview

Opportunity @ Work is a non-profit whose mission is to advance economic opportunity by helping STARS candidates (i.e. those Skilled Through Alternative Routes, rather than a bachelor's degree) get hired based on job-relevant skills. Their templates are designed to give candidates an opportunity to showcase their transferrable skills and help organizations find the candidate who will perform most successfully in their role.

Clock, Time
Briefcase, work, skills
Document, Questions

Focus area:

Industry Knowledge
Customer Service



How would you develop innovative design concepts for merchandise to reflect a client’s creative and business goals?

Clock, Time

What does this question reveal?

Candidate has the ability to develop designs concepts reflective of intended purposes and functions

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  • Describes their approach to collect relevant information for an design process
  • Consults with clients to determine needs, preferences, and concept purpose
  • Suggests preparing an initial design concept to elicit client feedback
  • Describes design software used to create digital representations of concept
  • Considers conducting market research to keep up with the latest design styles
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What are important elements that you think contribute to the design process for successful merchandising?

Clock, Time

What does this question reveal?

Candidate has the ability to identify critical design elements for merchandising

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  • Understands design thinking (empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test)
  • Acknowledges that different types of products require different approaches
  • Considers both the user needs and the business needs in their designs
  • Applies design knowledge in practice (typography, font, color, branding, etc.)
  • Highlights making all designs eye-catching, engaging and consistently branded
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One of our core products/services is [insert product/service]. How would you go about differentiating our product in the market through design?

Industry Knowledge
Clock, Time

What does this question reveal?

Candidate has the ability to identify relevant key concepts for market differentiation

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  • Proposes a concept for differentiation (e.g. defines audience, monitors results)
  • Identifies the message the design should portray
  • Highlights strategies to reach the target audience of interest
  • Suggests using a variety of media to communicate an idea and identity
  • Demonstrates an ability to build brand identity, recognizability and prominence
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In your opinion, what are some of the main factors you should consider when designing marketing content from a design perspective?

Industry Knowledge
Clock, Time

What does this question reveal?

Candidate has the ability to think about content design strategically

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  • Mentions target audience (pain points, desires, stage of awareness, etc.)
  • Discusses content type (will it be an email, social media post, paid ad, etc.?)
  • Highlights making all content eye-catching, engaging and consistently branded
  • Mentions the importance of clear, simple, user-friendly design and messaging
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Imagine you're working on a webpage design, but your client is indecisive and wants to test multiple ideas or user journeys. How would you work with the client to satisfy their needs while using efficient design strategies?

Customer Service
Clock, Time

What does this question reveal?

Candidate has the ability to assess identify when to use low/mid (vision stage), and high fidelity (roadshow stage) wireframes

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  • Prioritizes understanding the customer's vision and goals
  • Adapts their communication tactics and suggestions to the customer
  • Suggests soliciting specific feedback at multiple points through iterations
  • Notes low-fidelity wireframes/working with basics in such a scenario is ideal
  • Discusses choosing the customer when making decisions that require trade-offs
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How would you handle and resolve any challenges with your designs being rejected or not preferred?

Customer Service
Clock, Time

What does this question reveal?

Candidate has the ability to adapt approach to people with different personality types

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  • Communicates the value of adapting their approach to customers' needs
  • Treats all with customers with respect and empathy regardless of preferences
  • Highlights customer difficulties they've encountered and overcome in the past
  • Seeks ways to ensure they fully understood customers needs to determine fit
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