April 2024 Product Updates

We have a lot of new features to share with you — ones that will make interviewing even more efficient with Hireguide. Here's a list of everything new in April 2024:

Job Description to Interview Plan

Convert your job description to an interview plan — we'll translate the requirements and responsibilities listed in your JD into a multi-round guide, complete with interview question-and-answer tips, and a skills-based candidate scorecard.

AI Interview Notes Summaries

Get an automatically generated summary of your interview notes, organized by the skills assessed during the interview. Recalling candidate feedback and comparing candidates based on their skills has never been easier.

Export Your Interview Guides

Some teams prefer their documents offline. Now you can export plans to XLS and PDF formats — so you can use your interview guides any way you'd like. Print them out for in-person interviews, or have them in front of you for manual notetaking and scoring.

Sign in to your Hireguide account to try out our latest features. Have ideas for features? Let us know!

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