Hireguide is now a certified B Corp!

We are proud to announce that Hireguide has officially become a certified B Corp!

At Hireguide, our mission is to end bias in interviewing and make clearer, unbiased interviews accessible to everyone. We believe that the world is better when hiring is better. Unfortunately, the current interviewing process is flawed — often influenced by biases related to education, background, and likability.

To combat this, we have built Hireguide as a platform that uses skills-based, structured interviews to prevent bias from driving hiring decisions. This approach enables businesses to hire the best candidates based on their skills and potential, while providing candidates with equal access to job opportunities and fair interview processes. We aim to drive positive change in the hiring landscape by ensuring that talent is recognized based on skills and potential, instead of biased criteria. Becoming a B Corp represents our commitment to balance profit with purpose and create positive social impact through equitable interviews. We're part of a global community of businesses working collectively for economic systems change, and hold ourselves accountable for continuously improving to meet rising standards for social and environmental performance.

Together, we can transform the way we hire. Join us on this journey as we empower businesses and candidates alike, creating a future of fair and inclusive opportunities. Learn more about what it means to be a B Corp on the B Lab website.

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